Leading the way in Demand Driven planning, execution and control systems
Intuiflow Overview
CMG is a proud solution partner of Demand Driven Technologies, creators of the cutting-edge Supply Chain Planning suite – Intuiflow. The Intuiflow platform harnesses AI/ML and Demand Driven techniques to enable your business in responding to dynamic market conditions. Offering comprehensive supply chain planning, management, and execution functionalities, it’s an intuitive and potent suite for enhancing intricate global operations. Intuiflow provides an end-to-end supply chain management tool to tackle the most complex supply chains in its four modules: Materials Planning, Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP), Demand Planning, and Scheduling and Execution.
Intuiflow Modules
For more information or to request a demo, please contact us
Materials Planning
The Materials Planning module serves as the materials and inventory management solution. Specifically crafted to support a demand-driven inventory system in alignment with DDMRP & covers a range of planning methods. Materials Planning from Intuflow allows users to enhance supply-demand visibility, analyze buffer performance & inventory trends, and adapt buffers for seasonality & promotions.

Scheduling & Execution
The Scheduling & Execution module enhances on-time performance of production orders for users by prioritizing them based on market demand. The module will allow users to align resources to demand, improve due date performance, reduce impact of variation, and access the status of work orders.
Demand Planning
The Demand Planning module in Intuiflow is the software’s newest module. It allows users to enhance forecast accuracy, a pivotal support for your S&OP and refinement of the Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM). It’s intuitive interface enables users to make informed decisions about inventory and production. Users can automatically gernerate insights for material replenishment and effortlessly establish demand rates.

Sales & Operations Planning
The Sales & Operations planning module enables medium to long-term supply chain planning by utilizing current operational configurations to generate forward-looking simulations of buffer activity. Its purpose is to enable the identification of configuration changes of your operating module to generate forward looking simulations, respond quickly to change, and reduce stock-outs & accelerate flow.
Intuiflow NetSuite
Intuiflow is built natively into Oracle NetSuite. Opt for a cost-effective and efficient alternative and Install Intuiflow seamlessly via the SuiteCloud Platform.