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Case Studies

Bio-Tech & Pharma

From the 2015 Demand Driven World Conference

Stemcell Technologies is a privately-owned biotechnology company that develops specialty cell culture media, cell separation products and ancillary reagents for life science research. Driven by science and a passion for quality, STEMCELL delivers over 1500 products to more than 70 countries worldwide.
Juan Abbud, Senior Business Analyst, shared Stemcell’s experience implementing DDMRP in multiple locations.  From the 2015 Demand Driven World Global Online Seminar Series.  Watch the video below.
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Consumer Products

From the 2017 Demand Driven World Conference

From Demand Driven World 2017.  Michelin has a six level integrated supply Chain from customer to supplier. In this context, decoupling point using DDMRP approach seems to be extremely powerful to cut bullwhip effect, reducing inventory and increase service and industrial performance​.


Thibaut d'Herouville will present.  He is currently in charge of the industrial supply chain for Michelin Group leading a transformation program including DDMRP concept.  He has been a Supply Chain Manager for different business units in Europe, Asia and North America.


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Read about CMG’s Global Partnership in implementing REPLENISHMENT+® supply chain technology to up to 70 of Michelin’s manufacturing plants worldwide.

Read an article about this first DDMRP implementation (In Spanish)
Download the English version
Michelin Update June 2018: Starting implementation into 70 manufacturing plants worldwide. Need some content written
Update June 2017: Michelin is now applying DDMRP methods across 7 factories (soon to be 9) on two continents.

DDMRP Project Manager for ALE:
      “The figures speak for themselves: the ISL average for the last quarter of 2016 was 89.3%. For the first four months of 2017   
      we have achieved a rate of 98.6% and have reduced our stock by 10%.”
DDMRP Project Manager for VLD:
      "Supply crises have been significantly reduced.  Risks and anomalies are efficiently identified, in real time.  The factory 
      responds faster regarding the issues in question. Common actions are identified and prioritized."
Planning US1:
      "At the end of the year, I made a comparison with the traditional systems and found that DDMRP was the only system that 
      gave an accurate demand signal.”
DDMRP Project Manager for the US: 
      “The entire factory has felt the benefits, with an improvement in its productivity and responsiveness. We reduced the stock 
       of tires by 30,000 in 3 months!”

Oregon Freeze Dry 

From the 2012 Demand Driven World Conference

Oregon Freeze Dry is the world's largest custom freeze drying operation in the world with plants in North America, Europe and Asia. 
Craig Jolly, Director of IT, presents their journey implementing DDMRP methods since 1997.  OFD is one of the first adopters of what would become DDMRP methodology in the world.  From the 2012 Demand Driven World Conference.

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Forging, Steel & Machining
Miba Bearings USA 

From the 2017 Demand Driven World Conference

Miba Bearings US is a specialist for high performance diesel and gas engines bearing applications and production. 

Hear how about their journey in implementing a full Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM) and Demand Driven S&OP and how they are leading the way as a model for replication throughout the global Miba Corporation.

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Romac Industries, Inc 

From the 2014 Demand Driven World Conference

Founded in 1969, Romac is an industry leading supplier of pipe products for water and waste water.
Ben Staley, Materials and Replenishment Manager, walked the crowd through their recent implementation of a full DDMRP system and the factors that led up to it.  From the 2014 Demand Driven World Conference.

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Tube Forgings of America  

From the 2014 Demand Driven World Conference

Tube Forgings of America, Inc. (TFA) has been manufacturing welding fittings since 1955 for industries ranging from oil refining to chemical and petro-chemical processing, from gas transmission to power generation, including nuclear, and from shipbuilding to a broad assortment of commercial construction applications.
On the eve of their largest capacity expansion ever Wally shared how Demand Driven methods protected the company through the downturn and has positioned TFA to absorb huge massive growth over the last three years and into the future.  From the 2014 Demand Driven World Conference.

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TubeForgingsAmerica logo.png
Make to Order Manufacturing (MTO)

From the 2015 Demand Driven World Conference

David Mautner, Director of IT for the MFRI Group shares the story of Perma-Pipe and its adoption of a Demand Driven Operating Model (DDOM). 
From the 2015 Demand Driven World Conference.

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Mixed Mode (MTO/ MTS)
LG International 

From the 2014 Demand Driven World Conference

LGI designs and manufactures a wide range of off-the-shelf and tailor-made labeling solutions that are used for product identification and decoration, manufacturing processes, product packaging and security.
Lane Kagey, COO, showed the company’s innovative approaches for making their Demand Driven operating model totally visible in real time to every shop floor operator. One of the most innovative systems we have ever seen to live in short lead time environments measured in hours and days.  

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